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France Travel Insurance

Freshly-baked croissants, worn historic chateaus, bubbling champagne and the romantic air of a country filled with huge diversity, France is a must for any intrepid traveller.*

France is one of the most visited countries in the world and rightfully so. With such a diverse landscape - ranging from the lush green woodland of the Dordogne to the rumbling canyons of the Pyrenees and the quaint coastal towns of Brittany - it's no wonder that thousands of tourists flock here each year.

As with any trip abroad, taking a great travel insurance policy can give you peace of mind for an affordable premium. At Alpha Travel Insurance, we offer a variety of low-cost policies to fit your travel insurance needs and your pocket.

Our policies include the following benefits:

To get a free and easy quote now, simply click the 'Get a Quote' button at the right hand side of the screen and select the policy which suits you best. Alternatively, you can always contact us and chat to one of our customer service team who will be more than willing to help.

*Please note, Alpha Travel Insurance does not provide cover for any trip which goes against the advice of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). Please check the FCDO advice on your chosen destination before booking your trip or purchasing our insurance.


We all hope our holiday will go smoothly, but sometimes, accidents happen. Knowing which number(s) you need for the emergency services is therefore vital. Learning a few important phrases is bound to help too!

Police emergency information

If you are unfortunate enough to get mugged or witness a crime when you are in France, call 17 to phone the police.

Alternatively, 112 is the universal European emergency number and can be called to request any emergency service. You can also ask to speak to an English-speaking operator if your French is not great.

Useful translations:

I have been mugged – J’ai été agressér

I want to report a crime – Je voudrais signaler un crime

Fire emergency information

The fire brigade is not only capable of dealing with fires, it can also be called to help with traffic/domestic accidents and medical emergencies. The number you require is 18.

Useful translations:

My apartment is on fire– Mon appartement est en feu

I need the fire brigade – J’ai besoin les pompiers

Medical emergency information

If you or someone you know has an accident and requires medical assistance, you can call the Service d’Aide Médicale Urgente (SAMU) by dialling 15.

Useful translations:

I need an ambulance – J’ai besoin d’une ambulance

I have had an accident – J’ai eu un accident

Where is the nearest hospital? – Où se trouve l’hôpital le plus proche?

Medical advice

Before travelling anywhere abroad it’s a good idea to check that your important vaccinations are up to date. It’s recommended you book an appointment with your GP four – six weeks before your trip to do this.

Also be sure to check the new rules travelling within Europe. From 1st January 2021 rules around travel to Europe have changed, visit the Government website for up to date information on passports, EHIC, healthcare and more.

We’ll update this page with more information as and when the Government release it.

The best time to visit France

France is a big country, so the regions vary hugely in terms of climate. Paris tends to enjoy temperate weather all year round. If you want to avoid the crowds though, the best time to visit is either between April and June or September and November. In July and August, the volume of tourists is so great, that even the locals try to escape the city. Plus, unsurprisingly, it’s also the most expensive time to visit the capital.

Brittany is the wettest part of the country and Brest experiences heavy downfall between October and December. No matter where in France you’re visiting, it’s best not to go between November and February as this is when the weather is at its worst across the country – pretty much as in is in the UK.

If it’s sun you’re seeking, then head to the Mediterranean coast in the south of France, but avoid the spring and autumn as this is when rainfall is at its heaviest.

Visa information for France

You do not need a visa to visit France if you have a British passport.

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